Thursday, 22 May 2014

Nearly show time!!

We had finally finished plotting the entire show and all we needed to do was polish and define. We worked very hard to get to where we were before show week and we finally got ourselves into a position for the show, we started to line bash and start to play our characters way over the top which helped us see where we needed to average them out to. We also spent a rehearsal plotting where we needed to put costumes for quick changes and who needed to move them. We also set up a props list and map to show where they all needed to be as well. This helped so much because we then all walked through it which made us ready for the performance.

When we started placing the scenes in the actual places and running them with transitions it was finally coming together and it brought all of our spirits up. We decided that the beginning and end suicide scene needed something more so we adapted it and made a daring move which turned out fantastically and gave the piece more depth. Then when the lighting and sound was added in it pulled the piece together and brought it to life

Show nights and after

Show nights for me went really well. We could have slowed down a little bit but to be honest I think we did brilliantly! With a few costume difficulties through the rehearsal process I am pleased to say that we had none through performance. There was one technical difficulty in the first show but I still had comments saying that it still looked effective! This show has been a real achievement for all of us and it has brought everyone closer together... Despite some disagreements of which there weren't many. After all of the year above pa class telling us that it will break friendships and ruin everything, for me it did the opposite. I felt more included than ever and even being in hospital and unable to come to rehearsals for a few days, I was still brought back into the piece slowly enough for me to cope with getting better yet quick enough that we had enough time to play around with it before show nights. This really brought out my creative side and it has finished off the year well for me.